Private Training
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to movement and health. A certified trainer can take into account your unique body, level of commitment, skills and impediments, and then become a guide and sounding board for your movement journey. Your first session may include relevant medical history, body composition, posture and gait assessment, program design, and some movement to assess your current movement patterns. You are the world’s #1 expert on your own life. We will assist you in becoming an active contributor to your lifestyle plan and incorporate your feedback and thoughts along the way to craft the safest and most effective program for your individual needs and goals. We also train duos, trios, or small private groups. Grab your pod, and train privately as a small group with us.
free consultation
All Elektren Trainers offer a complimentary 15-30 minute phone consultation. These can be done in person or virtually and give us the information we can use to design a sensible and powerful overall program that fits you to a tee. During the call, we’ll ask you to tell us about your general health and current routines.