Our Current offerings.

Our studio offers personal training, functional strength classes, a variety of yoga classes along with the only yoga wall on the peninsula.

Join us in our beautiful indoor/outdoor space.


private training

This is one of the fastest ways to optimize your health. With the help of an expert who can assess your physical structure and needs, you will step into a training program that is architected just for you…learn more



Working with our nutrition counselors is supportive, personal, and transformational. You’ll learn to identify what you can do to make lasting changes to the what, how, when, and why you eat…learn more


group Classes

Community. Connection. Puddles of sweat. There is nothing like the energy of moving in rhythm with a group. All of our group classes are unconventional, electric, and created to maximize your potential…learn more


Strength & flow

These classes fuse classical yoga asana with HIIT strength training and incorporates Steel Mace, an ancient weapon, complex movements and a light load…learn more

Visit our pricing page for a list of class and consultation rates.